2022-2023 School Startup and Registration Information

Parkland School Division is well underway with transitioning and preparing ADCS for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year, and as such, we have new details to share with the community.
First Day of School - Monday, September 12
ADCS will open its doors to students slightly later this September, as this will give us the time we need to complete the transition process, allow new staff members to settle in, and ensure we're fully prepared to begin guiding students on their learning journeys. The full calendar for the school year is now available.
2022-23 Athabasca Delta Community School Calendar
Office Opens Monday, August 29
Kindergarten & Grade 10 Registration
ADCS will be operating as a Kindergarten to Grade 10 school for 2022-2023. We are accepting new Kindergarten and returning Grade 10 student registrations now! You may drop your forms off at the school between 8:30 and 3:30. More information regarding this registration process can be found on our website.
For more information contact:
Parkland School Division
Phone: 780-963-4010
Email: DivisionOffice@psd.ca