November 29th Update

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 (2:27pm update)
Dear ADCS parents & guardians,
We just wanted to apologize for any confusion or anxiety that our earlier message may have brought and provide you with the latest on the RCMP activity in the area. To be clear, the school was just altering our normal activity slightly to remain indoors while the police dealt with a matter out in the community. This was done out of an abundance of caution for our students and staff and was not a full ‘hold and secure’ directed by the authorities.
In emergency situations, ADCS will always take direction and be in direct and frequent contact with the authorities. The direction was given to carry on with our day, which we did; again, just exercising an abundance of caution by staying indoors.
Thank you for your understanding as we all do our best to create the warmest, welcoming and safe environment for our whole school community.
Students will be dismissed at the regular time including regular service for those that ride the bus.
Tammie Sarauer, Principal
Athabasca Delta Community School